
SaveMUNI recently wrote the following letter to the San Francisco County Transportation Association Commission and the SFMTA Board of Directors opposing a “Quick Build” project on Geary Boulevard that will eliminate parking and significantly impact the small businesses on Geary.

SaveMUNI, San Francisco’s only independent transit advocacy organization, is writing to oppose SFMTA’s Quick Build project on Geary Boulevard from 15th Avenue to 29th Avenue.

While dedicated lanes, where appropriate, can improve bus service, this project will do more harm than good. It should not go forward.

This project will remove up to 20 % of the parking on each block, which will have a devastating effect on small businesses along Geary which are still recovering from the impact of the Covid crisis. The harmful effect of this Quick Build on the Richmond district merchants far outweighs the minimal time savings for a small number of bus riders in the outer Richmond.

Instead of a misguided Quick Build project, SaveMUNI supports implementation of traffic signal prioritization for Muni buses which will improve transit times with minimal disruption to businesses along Geary Boulevard.

We look forward to a more collaborative public process to design for street safety, parking and bus lanes along Geary Boulevard in tandem with the extensive sewer and water line repairs that the San Francisco` Public Utilities Commission will be undertaking in the near future.

Bob Feinbaum
President, SaveMUNI

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